TA_BlogWhat Do Search Engines DO?

What Do Search Engines Really Do?

Posted Jun 9, 2015 | Updated 9 years ago

Search engines can seem like complicated beasts that yield unpredictable results.

If you have ever been frustrated (or elated) with the results of your favorite search engine, rest assured you are not alone.

With all of the noise surrounding search engines, you might be asking yourself what they really do. How do they work and how are they triggered?

The truth is that no one really knows the exact formula that makes search engines work.

However, there are some highly educated guesses. We’re here to help you understand the insights and shed some light on what search engines really do.


 Search Engines Are Operated By Algorithms

When we said that search engines are complicated, we weren’t kidding. Search engines operate by using complex formulas known as algorithms. These algorithms are programmed to pick up on signals that they receive from websites around the Internet. Those signals are factored in as the search engines determine ranking order on page 1, 2, 3, and beyond.

Search Engines Crawl The Internet

Ever wonder how search engines find brand new websites? There are crawlers known as spider bots and web crawlers that surf the Internet and locate websites. These web crawlers will find websites easier when they are tagged with keywords and other SEO tags. This is why it is so important to include an SEO strategy for your marketing campaign— the search engines need a way to discover you.

Search Engines Are Constantly Changing

If you’ve received different search results from one day to the next, you aren’t seeing things. Search engines are constantly refreshing their algorithm to help promote the best websites possible. In fact, Google makes small changes to their algorithm nearly 500-600 times each year. That’s a lot of fluctuation!

Menu with finger icon point to Add NewSearch Engines Are User Focused

Above all else, search engines are dedicated to streamlining the experience of searchers.

This is why shady SEO techniques such as keyword stuffing and link farms stopped working some time ago.

Those who are employing unethical SEO tactics likely don’t have useful or relevant content to share with an audience; they are only concerned about ranking as high as possible with Google.

In order to overcome this issue, search engines began using content as a means to rank authority websites.

The better content and blogs that your website produces on a regular basis, the better chance you have at ranking high in the search engine results.

This is because search engines are user focused; creating content that is relevant and engaging is always best practice for both your customers and the search engines.

Search engines can be a bit intimidating, but they are generally fair at rewarding websites that play by the rules.

Tackling search engine algorithms on your own can be an uphill battle, but Third Angle can guide you through the algorithm updates and search fluctuations.