MM: Why You NEED to Update Your Website
Posted Nov 24, 2020 | Updated 4 years ago
Back in the 90s and early 2000s, having your own website was forward-thinking and on top of the latest marketing trends. One of the best things about having a website, back then, was that they were essentially set-it-and-forget-it. And it wasn’t the business’ fault either. Technology was limited making websites little more than digital brochures.
But 20 years later that old school thought process can still be found on the internet which is highly concerning.
Websites function quite differently today.
Gone are the days of digital brochures. A new era of business websites is here. Websites that function more like comprehensive digital marketing platforms meant to drive leads, close sales, and build loyalty for companies.
Which is why if you haven’t thought about your website in a while, it’s high time to consider these 3 good reasons why you should give your website an update today.
You Need to Update Your Business Website because…
Google Wants You To
Google isn’t just a search engine any more, it’s artificial intelligence. AI that has become intelligent enough to understand human speech, consider geographic location during a search and even decipher user intent.
So if your website is using outdated methods of search engine optimization it could cause you to drop ranking and even have the potential to be banned entirely.
By maintaining modern search engine optimization standards on your website, it makes it easier for web crawlers to discover and evaluate your website. In-turn, giving it potential to rank better in searches.
You Care About Your Customers
Imagine walking into the local grocery store and finding only expired products on the shelves. Since you couldn’t find what you were looking for, you’d likely leave and move on to another store. Who wants to deal with old and expired products?
Customers look at your website in the same light. Having old, and potentially outdated information on your website will only lead to confusion or lost sales. To boot, if your website was built before the rise of mobile devices it may be hard to use on smaller screens. All together creates an unpleasant experience for your website visitors.
By updating your website’s user experience it can help answer the big questions your customers have. It can also prove your knowledge and authority in your field, and pretty much do most of the sales work for you.
The Competition is Watching
If you aren’t updating your website, chances are that your competitors are following suit. Which is a great time to take the initiative and become the authority in your industry.
Updating your website will give you an edge over your competitors and keep them on their toes. It’ll cause them to check back to your website to wonder what you’re up to, and soon enough they’ll be strategizing a plan to follow in your footsteps. But you will have become the authority.
You become the leader and set the tone with an updated and optimized website. Which is much more powerful than just trying to shout over others to get attention.
Unfortunately, too few businesses realize the importance of updating their company website.
It’s easy to put your web updates on the back burner. But by doing so you are allowing prime marketing opportunities and SEO benefits to slip between your fingers.
What to do Next
If you want to update your website but aren’t sure where to start, Third Angle can get you started in the right direction with regular updates that benefit your brand.
- Websites function quite a bit differently today than they did in the 90’s and early 2000’s and it’s no longer acceptable to let your website act just as a brochure.
- Avoid a drop in ranking by maintaining up to date search engine optimization practices on your website.
- Keep customers happy by providing an optimized user experience that provides the information they need quickly and efficiently.
- Be the authority in your industry by leading the competition on what to do instead of trying to keep up.