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Marketing Measurements You Need To Do Now

Posted Jan 9, 2015 | Updated 10 years ago

Nearly every business needs some form of marketing.

Whether it is a simple print ad or an in-depth search engine optimization strategy, advertising your business in one form of another is crucial for reaching customers.

With that said, measuring your marketing results is just as important for gauging the success of your chosen campaign. Failing to measure your results can quickly add up to lost dollars, with your marketing efforts serving as a shot in the dark.

If you have yet to start tracking results, here are the four primary marketing measurements you need to do now.

Phone Call Tracking

Phone call tracking is possibly one of the easiest methods of tracking your marketing campaigns. One of the biggest advantages to tracking phone calls is that phone numbers can be applied to many different marketing campaigns. For example, a phone number can be added to a specific website to track the amount of leads that the landing page generates. Phone tracking is also useful for print advertisements, such as direct mailers. Using a phone number as a call to action will help verify the success of your campaign.

Website Traffic

If you are running a search engine optimization campaign, one of the primary goals is pushing traffic to your website. Once your SEO campaign is in place, you can track your traffic patterns by using Google analytics. Your website’s traffic patterns will typically reflect your placement in the search engines, and it will help you understand visitor flow once your customers land on your website. Analyzing website traffic patterns is also essential for monitoring Google’s regular algorithm changes. Slight fluctuations to the algorithm can have a big impact on your traffic patterns.

Social Media

Social media marketing might seem simple enough, but there is still a need to track those re-tweets and shares. Running a social media campaign revolves around engagement, which is essential to translating into a successful campaign. Keeping the amount of engagement in the form of comments, shares, re-tweets, and even re-pins can help you determine if a social media platform is working for you. Social media is not one-size-fits-all, so be sure to log those engagement activities for best results.

E-Mail Click Through Rate (CTR)

Measuring your e-mail click through rate is one of the basic tracking methods of e-mail marketing. Your e-mail click through rate can help you determine the effectiveness of split testing subject lines or content, and it can also help determine sales and specials that are attracting more clicks. If you choose to track anything at all for your e-mail marketing campaign, track your click through rate.

Tracking your marketing efforts will help you ensure that both your money and time are well spent on your current campaign.

Every marketer needs feedback on their efforts, and using these four marketing measurements will help bring your company success. If you are running a marketing campaign and need help tracking your results, Third Angle offers professional tracking solutions to help improve your campaign’s performance.

Need help? We’re happy to assist in any way we can.

  • Measuring your marketing results is important for gauging the success of your chosen campaign.
  • The 4 primary marketing measurements are phone call tracking, website traffic, social media, and email click-through-rates.