Do Landscaping Postcards Still Work?
Posted Aug 9, 2021 | Updated 4 years ago
When you are trying to get the word out about your landscaping company, there are several tools at your disposal: social media, your company website, email blasts, and print publications.
For many years, businesses in the home improvement arena have also relied on reaching out to residential and commercial property owners via direct mail. The question is, do postcards and other mailers still have a valuable place amid other traditional and digital advertising options?
The short answer is yes. More accurately, it depends on a few important factors, including the design of your landscaping postcards, when you send them, and how you go about channeling them toward the right audience.
Does Direct Mail Work for Landscaping Companies?
Direct mail is any type of material that is sent via traditional “snail mail” to households or businesses in your region, from letters in envelopes to flyers, brochures and postcards.
Although some business owners may have concerns about mailers being an old-school marketing solution, postcards and mailers continue to be one of the most cost-effective and simplest ways to increase brand awareness and share information about products, services and promotions. This is especially true when it comes to the exterior remodeling industry.
people like receiving mail—especially if it’s relevant to them.
Part of the reason postcards still work in this day and age is because people like receiving mail—especially if it’s relevant to them. The digital world is over saturated with information, advertisements, and companies vying for the attention of consumers. Among that noise, it can be difficult to stand out and, better yet, be remembered. Existing and prospective clients may receive an email from a company or happen across a social media post containing a special offer, but those sources of information are incredibly transitory and prone to being quickly clicked away from by the next shiny digital message before any action is taken on them.
Postcards, on the other hand, have a significant shelf life, so to speak. Property owners are more likely to hold onto them for a few days, whether it be by posting them on a refrigerator or keeping them on a table. If individuals are in the early stages of planning an exterior home improvement or landscape design project, they’re all the more likely to keep your company’s postcard handy for future reference. The physical nature of mailers, and how they engage both touch and sight, also establishes a stronger connection in the human mind, increasing the odds people will recall your message and brand when the time is right.
Plus, you can connect your direct mail campaign to your other marketing efforts by referring recipients to your social media accounts, sending them to a landing page on your website developed specifically for the campaign, or encouraging them to subscribe to a newsletter. Intertwining your various marketing endeavors gives them all an extra boost.

How to Design Compelling Landscaping Postcards
In order for postcards and mailers to be effective, they must be aesthetically pleasing and contain clear, concise information. Also, the more personal and relevant the postcard, the better.
Put yourself into the shoes of your recipient.
- What sort of offers are worthy of their time and attention—giving you a leg up over the competition?
- Are you addressing the problems commonly faced by property owners in your area when it comes to their outdoor living spaces?
- Do they see themselves reflected in the photos and imagery you select?
Choose your messaging so that it balances authority with empathy. You can communicate your offer or bring awareness to your brand with little text if you select the right words and images.
Choose your messaging so that it balances authority with empathy.
Additionally, take into consideration the demographics of your recipients when developing a direct mail campaign. There are two main types of direct mail services: traditional direct mail and every door direct mail (EDDM). The primary difference is that EDDM is delivered to every household within a given geographic region, based on postal carrier routes. Traditional direct mail is sent to everyone on a specific mailing list—of which you generate yourself or purchase from a third-party supplier.
Ideally, these recipients are related to one another based on demographics or shared interests, enabling you to develop a targeted campaign that is more likely to resonate with them. Additionally, if you’re only doing residential projects, you could remove businesses from your mailing list; or you can eliminate apartment complexes altogether, since renters don’t have jurisdiction over outdoor living spaces.
As creating high-quality and effective landscaping postcards can be a challenge, it’s worthwhile to partner with a USPS verified printer, such as Third Angle, that can provide expertise when it comes to eye-catching design and word choice, as well as size requirements, mailing lists and other aspects from the production side.
When is the Best Time to Send Direct Mail?
Implementing a successful direct mail marketing campaign also depends on when you do it. For example, get homeowners thinking about using their beautiful backyard or deck in the summer by sending out a mailer in spring when it’s top of mind. Alternatively, you can send a mailer in the fall and winter encouraging them to get started on the design process before the spring rush. Tie promotions to holidays or timely events, such as tax season, when people tend to have a small influx of cash to spend on improvement projects.
As a landscaping company, your services also may be influenced by certain weather. Make sure you’re in a position to hold a project until the timing is just right to have the most impact.
Finally, you can set up a triggered direct mail campaign to send out postcards to specific recipients when certain criteria are met. For example, if you’ve received a general inquiry from a property owner or spoken with them on the phone, plan to send a follow-up postcard 20 or 30 days after the initial contact in the hopes of prompting them toward a decision.
Developing a Successful Direct Mail Campaign for Landscaping
In order to get the most from your landscaping postcards and mailers, you have to put in the work when it comes to their design and dissemination, as well as tracking the response you get from recipients. When investing in a direct mail campaign, it’s worthwhile to do so alongside professionals who are familiar with each aspect of this marketing tool, from design and production to distribution. Whether you’re going with traditional mail or EDDM for your landscaping company, our team at Third Angle can help you every step of the way with our comprehensive print marketing services.