How Landing Pages Increase Organic Search Traffic

How Landing Pages Can Increase Organic Search Traffic

Landing pages help increase targeted traffic and grow your customer base by providing additional value during a prospect’s research journey and vendor evaluation process. Ideally, your site will have a variety of landing pages with gated resources and your site will have ungated content, like blogs and videos, that guide website visitors to click on…

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How To Choose the Right Colorado Springs SEO Company

How to Find a Good SEO Consultant

You understand how vital excellent search engine placement is to land new contracts, but you might wonder how much of the work you can do yourself and at what point you should hire a professional SEO agency. Top of mind during your quest for the right SEO partner may also be to understand: How To…

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Print Marketing Essentials for Your Next Marketing Event

Print Marketing Essentials for Your Next Marketing Event

When you have an event to attend, bringing the right promotional marketing materials is essential to making the most out of your efforts at the event. You have a limited time to make an impression and people often forget names and who exactly it was that had various offerings. So, what should you bring to…

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How to Grow an Email List from Scratch with a Lead Capture

Are you wondering how to grow an email list from scratch? An email list is a great way to grow your business — it’s the most reliable method to capture leads that aren’t quite ready to make a purchase and keep top of mind among potential buyers. That’s because, when leveraging email marketing, you can…

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Website Maintenance Plan

Building a company website takes a lot of valuable resources. Yet, once you finish creating your website, you must ensure everything is running smoothly. That’s why you need a website maintenance plan to keep things going in your business. Without a plan for ongoing upkeep of your website, you take big risks. Over time, you…

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How to Overcome 5 Misunderstood Parts of Business Branding

Originally posted on Jun 18, 2018 Create an experience that delights your audience and makes them want to continue working with & referring business to you. Branding is one of the most misunderstood aspects of a business. Some think it’s just a logo, while others mistake it for marketing. While both of those play a…

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What is a WordPress Website Maintenance Plan

What is a WordPress Website Maintenance Plan

Building a website is just the first step to cultivating your digital presence and offering a virtual method for connecting with customers. You must continually maintain and update your website to protect and optimize your investment and keep the online aspect of your business running properly.  To help you effectively manage your company’s professional website…

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What is LinkedIn

What is LinkedIn? LinkedIn is the most well known business to business (B2B) social media platform. If you are looking for a professional and accomplished audience, LinkedIn is for you. (Note: LinkedIn can also be used for hiring new employees, but for this article we will be focusing on LinkedIn’s capabilities as a social media…

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Local SEO vs Technical SEO: What’s the Difference?

Local SEO vs Technical SEO What’s the Difference

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is growing into a fairly well known concept among businesses with professional websites. Many new customers become acquainted with a company by looking for specific services or products via a search engine like Google and Bing. SEO is a set of tactics to help improve where your website ranks in search…

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How to Leverage YouTube to Generate Leads for Your Small Business

How to Leverage YouTube to Generate Leads for Your Small Business

YouTube has come a long way since its humble beginnings as a simple video-sharing site. Now professionals and companies use the platform to distribute industry-relevant content to connect with customers, generate leads and drum up recurring business. The key to effectively utilizing YouTube for business purposes is understanding how the platform recommends viewers to videos…

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[Checklist] 20+ Must Do Items for A Successful Website Launch

Pre Launch and Post Launch Checklist for A Successful Website Launch

Your company website is a major touchpoint for both existing and prospective customers, and launching a new site is an exciting step for any small to medium-sized business. Because of the value of a professional website, you don’t want to rush this process. It’s the basic things that we can’t imagine missing that are often…

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How Much Should You Spend on Marketing in 2022?

Budgets. At some point in our lives, we have all tried to create one for one reason or another. But when you’re running a small-to-medium local business, knowing how much you should spend on marketing is imperative. A good marketing budget tells you where your dollars were spent, creates accountability for your organization, and can…

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4 Keys to a Successful Rebranding Strategy and New Logo Announcement

How to Announce Your New Logo

In its simplest form, rebranding is a way to invest in your company’s future by ensuring your brand image reflects your current vision, objectives and culture. It helps you stay relevant in an ever-evolving business landscape. That being said, rebranding is often a comprehensive process that may involve everything from changing your business name and…

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How This Coach Created Authority Using a Great Personal Brand

Project Summary For burgeoning coaches and consultants, a website that captures their personal brand and builds trust with visitors is critical to client acquisition efforts. A full brand identity package and professional one-page website design complete with special features and an engaging blog section allowed this coach to continue positioning herself as a professional and…

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Why are There Paper Shortages?

If you’re like us, you’re so ready to be done with the pandemic and get all of this behind us. But it seems that post-pandemic life has brought on a whole new set of challenges. Including … Paper Shortages! Yes, it’s a real thing. And it’s causing issues for us to print some of the…

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Email Marketing Best Practices for Small and Mid-size Businesses

Email Marketing Best Practices for Small Businesses

With the existence of social media and other digital communication channels, small and mid-size businesses in Colorado Springs have a growing pool of options for sharing updates and information directly with their clientele. Among these, email marketing remains one of the most powerful tools for connecting with current and prospective customers—as long as you embrace…

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How This Lawn Care Company Increased New Sales by 32%

Project Summary For the 2021 season, J.Rick Lawn &Tree, Inc. wanted to increase density in their target area and introduce a new, highly niche service to a brand new audience. We crafted a multi-touch marketing strategy around each buyer persona that included website optimizations, local SEO, and mail-based campaigns. At the end of these efforts,…

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How this Insurance Agency Increased Local Traffic by 80%

Project Overview Concerned about their marketing budget not providing any return, A Better Choice Insurance wanted to find a way to build their local online authority through Google and create a website experience that helped their clients. After launching their new website and optimizing their Google My Business page, they’ve seen a huge increase in…

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How This Non-Profit Increased Website Traffic by 105%

Project Summary Frustrated with a quickly growing website that was beginning to burst at the seams, Global Gates approached us to rebuild their nearly 6-year-old website. Within just 6 months after launch, they saw over 105% increase in new user traffic! Background Global Gates is a non-profit organization focused on starting churches among, and through,…

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Why Free Marketing Isn’t Actually Free

overwhelmed woman at desk with paperwork

As small businesses, it’s common to want to attempt things on your own but when does crafty turn into just a waste of time? And more importantly, when does that lost time equal lost opportunity? Because at the end of the day a dollar saved isn’t always a dollar earned.

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How to Have a Successful Small Business Marketing Campaign

There you are, working hard to grow your business, but instead of seeing wild success you end up feeling like you’re just tossing all that cash out the window. This never feels good… like ever. Marketing advice and information is so readily available now that, while businesses make a valiant effort, a lot of what…

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5 Habits to Improve Customer’s Experience and Stop Losing Customers

When a customer stops doing business with you it sucks but when it’s due to a bad customer experience it’s even worse. That’s why establishing great habits focused around delighting your customers are an essential component to maintaining a high level of customer retention. So here are 5 bad habits that cause customers to leave…

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How To Use Images On Your Website

How to Use Images on Your Website

Words have a lot of power. Your website is likely full of copy that educates and informs your customer, and hopefully those words are crafted in a compelling way. You can move mountains with the content of your website, but there’s one element that adds major oomph to your website while adding a new level…

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What is CMYK, RGB & PMS?

What is CMYK vs RGB vs PMS

If you’ve ever had a logo designed or worked with a printer chances are you’ve heard the terms CMYK, RGB and Pantone before. Besides being used by designers and printers, these color profiles are also used by a variety of industries. Learn what the difference is between RGB, CMYK and PMS.

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MM: Why You Need Customer Reviews

Transcript: The way people discover, evaluate and trust businesses has changed. This is only exemplified by the fact that 87% of consumers say a business needs to have a 3 to 5-star rating before they’ll consider using them. Research also shows that 84% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. And each…

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October Marketing Guide

Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here… is not what marketing should feel like. Unfortunately it’s a common sentiment for businesses due to past experiences. But marketing doesn’t have to be a creepy forest filled with monsters and blood-sucking beasts. Or feel like a runaway carriage when you do start a campaign. With the right…

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MM: What is SEO?

Also known as Search Engine Optimization, SEO is the process of optimizing your website to be more readable, accessible, and overall more crawlable to search engines.

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MM: What is EDDM Marketing?

What is EDDM Marketing?

EDDM, or Every Door Direct Mail, is a great option because it uses mail carrier routes instead of a list of addresses, which can be a limiting factor for some businesses. In addition to the mail routes, you can use demographic data, based on census reports, like age range, average household size and income to narrow your focus.

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How to Successfully Mail Using EDDM

How To Successfully Mail using EDDM Mailers

Designed to help businesses send promotions and advertisements to a targeted area, this U.S.P.S program allows you to have mailers hand delivered to every mailbox along chosen mail carrier routes. Learn how EDDM, Every Door Direct Mail, is a cost effective alternative to traditional direct mail.

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How to Use FAQs [Video]

Instead of constantly answering the same questions and feeling like a broken record, learn how placing FAQ’s on your website can save you time… and your sanity.

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MM: What is Marketing Vs. Advertising?

What is Marketing? What is Advertising!? Many have heard both of these common terms but contrary to popular belief, marketing and advertising are actually two separate things. Learn difference and understand how they both work together to help your business drive more sales.

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How to Design a Good Logo for Your Business

A good logo design does three things: establish trust, create recognition, and attract (the right) customers. So when a company doesn’t have a good logo design, it can be the source for confusion, poor impressions, and even lost business.  To clarify, a bad logo doesn’t mean it’s necessarily ugly. The logo design, itself, could be…

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How to Clear Cache from Phone and Computer Browsers

Ever visit a web page that didn’t seem to load right? How about refresh a page and have nothing change? Or worse, the dreaded “404: Page not Found” error message. As we use our computers and devices, pieces from every site we visit are quietly saved in the background. This is done to help make…

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Discover How Social Media Marketing Can Boost Your Business

Social media has carved out an unexpected name for itself in marketing over the last few years as a hyper-efficient platform for your advertising campaigns. With traditional advertising, there is no guarantee that people will see or hear the your newspaper, TV or radio ad or that they will actually be interested in what you’re…

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5 Free Tools That Will Help Your Business Work Smarter (Video)

If you’ve owned, run, or worked for a small business you know there is a laundry list of things that need to be done, checked, monitored, cleaned and more every day, week, month, year. But with the constant need to get more customers and run the business time is limited for other things, making research…

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Committing to New Business: 7 Reasons to Update Your Logo

Your logo is the face of your business—the very symbol that draws customers in and gives a snapshot of your overall mission. A logo is the ultimate status symbol for your company and serves as perhaps the most powerful marketing message for any brand. With that said, there may come a time where your logo…

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How to Conduct an Audit of Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

If you have been usingsocial media marketing to promote your business, it is important that you at least semi-regularly run an audit of your strategies. Audits help you identify what works and what doesn’t, so that you brainstorm ideas to make sure that your future campaigns perform as well as they possibly can. If you’ve…

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Grow Your Brand Awareness With Live Video Streams

One of the latest trends on social media is videos, specifically live video streaming. Platforms like Twitch and YouTube have shown how successful a person or business can be with good content and businesses are learning how they can better engage with their customers. Live video streaming on social media platforms such as Facebook Live…

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How To Use Social Media Marketing More Efficiently

Social media marketing is coming into its own as a hyper-efficient platform for your advertising campaigns. Let’s say you want to run an ad in a newspaper, on the radio or on TV — there’s no guarantee that people who see or hear the ad will actually be interested in what you’re offering. This is…

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ROI: What KPIs Should You Track During Your Marketing Campaigns?

When you are running a marketing campaign, it’s important to be able to accurately track its effectiveness. That way you know what works well enough that you can re-use ideas or concepts in the future and what did not work well and needs to be improved or scrapped. There are three types of Key Performance…

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Making the Most of Mailings

One man’s junk is another man’s sweet deal. Mailings are still an effective way to market your business or service. No matter what industry you are in, you can use mailings as an advertising method because they can… reach people near your business, specifically targeted, or on a pre-existing list have short or long run…

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Insights from the Digital Commerce Summit and More!

So you all are probably wondering, or at least some of you, where last week’s email was? No, we didn’t forget. I was attending the Digital Commerce Summit in Denver. The conference focused on discovering smarter ways to create and sell profitable digital products and services. While a lot of our clients have physical products,…

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Why Great Content Is Super Important

Sure, your website needs to look great. Yes, you even need to use the right keywords. But what you have written on your site is just as important as the functionality. All too often, we have seen companies ignore the importance of customer-focused content. Instead, they are focused on their products and services without worrying about…

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How to Ensure You Hired the Right Colorado SEO Expert

You spent months scouring the web, looking for the right Colorado SEO expert for your company. When you finally hired one, you felt ecstatic. The possibilities were endless. Now it’s been a few months and you’re wondering how to gauge whether your Colorado SEO expert of choice is helping or hurting your company. Read on…

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